Quick Hits: Set-CMSite and Set-AdaptivaServer

It's eclipse star-gazing time, so the blog post this weekend comes to you from the road and features two functions that I have used extensively when working in my lab environment for SCCM and Adaptiva.


This function requires local administrator rights on the device and switches the site that your SCCM agent is connected to.  After execution, you can use my Get-CMLog function to follow along with the logs while your machine connects to the new infrastructure and starts performing registration activities.

Set-CMSite on Github


If you have any low-bandwidth locations being served by your SCCM infrastructure, you may have looked into ways to easily provide content to those locations.  One option is to use an Alternate Content Provider that can cache the content locally and uses P2P storage.  One that I have been testing is Adaptiva OneSite.  With multiple environments, having an easy way to switch a client from one infrastructure to another similar to how we do with Set-CMSite above, is crucial.

Set-AdaptivaServer on Github

Note: To maintain cached content at the branch site, you must use the built-in SCCM migration tool to mirror content to the new SCCM infrastructure and also publish the content to the new Adaptiva server.  Otherwise, the content will fail a hash check and will need to be downloaded across the WAN again.

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